Monday, February 6, 2012


When the adults in the house are finally allowed to unwind and watch tv our children are in bed, Matt and I finally get to unwind with a few shows we watch. One show we find very amusing is  "How I Met Your Mother". We started to watch this show because of two reasons, 1. The main character is the guy who played Dougie Houser M.D and 2. That is one of the questions we have yet to know how we are going to tell our kids how we met (how many people marry the person they dated before they could drive a car?!?!).

Back to my reason for this post........So we were watching the show and one of the main characters Lilly (the band geek from American Pie) is prego and she's running around and says, "Every time I put one fire out another one begins.....oh god......this must be what it's like to be a parent!!!!"...For those of you who have more then one child or are someone who works with kids you know that statement is right on the money. As soon as you think you solved one problem with one child another child has an issue and it seems like it doesn't end until the students are gone for the day or the kids are all in bed. Matt and I are very fortunate in the fact that Riley knows Paige is a baby and needs our help and is very patient with getting his turn of attention (having 22 kids to yourself is another story).

So the next time you find yourself "relaxing" take a deep breathe and enjoy because chances are it wont last long :-)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh...Christian and I LOVE that the pop culture references and we are very much like Lily and Marshall! :-) Katie, your blog is great! I just can't get enough!
