Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I like where I am, and don't miss where I'm not...

Have you ever played the "what if" game? What if I lived some where else? What if I went to a different college? What if I didn't move? etc, etc, etc. Matt and I often play the "What if" game and sometimes I say wow....what did we do?!?!? Well after today I don't think I am going to play that game any more.......I was showing a fellow teacher friend of mine that I haven't seen in awhile (and she is not on Facebook) pictures of my kids and the house we purchased in 2010.........her response to the pictures was simply, "what a perfect world you live"...........I looked at her and then looked at all 10,000 pictures I have taken over the last 5 years and said back to her, "I really am.....aren't I".  Sometimes playing the "What if" game can be fun or entertaining.........But I am really liking where I am and don't miss where I'm not :-)

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