Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's as easy as ABC!

With teaching, if you present information in a fun creative way, chances are children will put the new information into their working memory. When I brag about how much Riley knows I share with people what Riley knows I often get, "well of course he can do that, his mother is a teacher". Well, no, he can't do things because his mother is a teacher, he can do things because he has two advantages, he LOVES to learn and material is presented to him in a fun, creative way. Let me share a few things you can do for your little ones in your home.

 while we go up or down the stairs with Riley, we ask him what the letter is, what sound it makes, and what is something that starts with that letter (of course he can't say what the picture is on the card).

 Yes, even my son misbehaves sometimes and has a "time out step" why not put something he can read while he's also thinking about what he did wrong (this is on the landing in front of his time out step).
When Riley goes and gets his shoes and coat out of the closet, he can practice saying the numbers, tracing over the numbers to make it, and learn what the numbers mean by counting the stickers on each card.

 While eating or waiting to be excused from the dinner table, again the letters are there to see and review. Lower case letters are written in a bright color for Riley to see that their are two ways to write the letters (and the bright color is because it is said bight colors stand out in your brain and help you to remember them......and since most letters are in the lower case form I make it a point he learns them well).
 Leap Frog=AMAZING
 We all need reading material when "nature call"

 All our doors are labeled with our name and title.
Things are also labeled to add some site words into the mix of learning to read :-)
Some days I feel like I eat, sleep, and breath being a teacher. Then again, we are all teachers when we have children, we are their first teachers, so why not be the most energetic, encouraging, well versed teacher we can be to our greatest investments we will ever have.........our children :-)

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