When we decided to have a second child the one thing we
worried about knew we had to create, was the bond between Riley and his new brother or sister. We made sure Riley was involved from the very beginning with going to all the doctor appts and ultrasounds.....our doctor even let him listen to the baby with her tools :-) and when every she would listen to the baby's heart beat she would make sure he heard it nice and loud. Riley was so into a baby being in mommy's belly he was convinced he also had a baby in his :-)
Any time someone would ask Riley if mommy was having a girl/boy baby, he always replied, "girl baby". We're not sure if he really just wanted a baby sister or if it was the fact that his Aunt and Uncle just had a baby girl that he absolutely loved from day one and just wanted her, but he never once said boy....it was always "his girl baby".
Now 6 months later and he loves her more and more every day and she feels the same way! She looks for him and giggles at him and I'm pretty sure her first word is going to be
mommy Riley. When my family sees them together or hears stories we tell about what they do together....my parents and grandmother say, "sounds a lot like you and John". If my two children have the same bond as me and my big brother, then I know that we created something special for them and that they will always be in each others corner for life.
Picture by Shannon Beth Photograph
I am so glad my son has a little sister to love and protect and someday buy her husband a brewing kit, and I am very excited and thrilled that my daughter has a big brother that will always be there to protect her and be there for her no matter where they live or what their doing.
Adorable. Let's hope it stays this way!