I don't know who taught me about goal setting, but I do know thanks to my family, failure was never an option or a word my family uses. My parents never expected me to get straight A's or a 4.0, but they ALWAYS wanted me to do my best in what ever I decided to start......thank you Mom and Dad....I did achieve some 4.0's along the way :-) and I ALWAYS do my best.
Today as a parent and a teacher I talk to my students about doing "their" best. Which I say may not be their neighbors best and as long as they completed something to the best of their ability, I approve. With Riley and Paige, I will say what my parents said to me, "Do YOUR best work and don't you dare put your name on anything that is not your best work". Really these words are words I wish more adults would live by....imagine.....what it would be like...if EVERYONE......did their best work............