Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Beatles said it best.....

Matt and I are unique..........we have been together (11 years)  through every laugh, every giggle, every happy moment......and...some very sad moments.......we have gained and lost friends due to the fact that we have children and our night available is......... we can't. So here is our perfect song for our wonderful life that "We Love more" :-)

There are places I remember
all my life, though some have changed
some forever not for better
some have gone and some remain

all these places had their moments
with lovers and friends 
I still can recall
some are dead and some are living
in my life I'Ve loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers 
there is no one compares with you

and these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
(But) in my life.....................

I love you Them^ more :-)

Photo by Shannon Beth Photography

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Have you ever.................

Have you ever played the game "Have you ever......" ? well its a simple game of one person asking a question to a group of people, if you have done/said what that person asks...you then respond, "Yes, I have______" and then you ask a new "Have you ever" question.

The reason for my post is sometimes when being around other people and listening to how they react with others and to my little family or I, I want to say, "You're an idiot!!! Did you really just say what I think you said?!?!?!?!" Have you ever thought this in your head? I find myself doing it more and more every day. But my mother, father, and grandparents taught me better then that.

With Riley in school, I feel like sometimes the teachers and other staff try to "pull one over" on me......Today I flat out said, "I am an educator and what you are doing and saying doesn't make sense and here's what you SHOULD BE DOING with MY CHILD". I'm lucky enough in my career that a parent has never said this to me, but it's because I know each child is not a "cookie cutter cookie" and think one way of doing something or handling an incident, fits every child.

You see, Riley is a very bright child, who like his mother, remembers EVERYTHING. I don't mean from the day before or last week.....I mean from 2 years ago......so if you say something to my child, you better be able to back up what you say otherwise, to him, you are a liar. Another thing about Riley is he is smart. Not just with learning new things and retaining it but, again like his mother, he knows how to get exactly what he wants.

At school there is a baby that Rye absolutely loves. He loves seeing him and playing with him and giving the baby treats. One day Riley wasn't listening to his teacher and so instead of him going outside with his classmates, he had to wait in the "baby" room. Well he thought that was a reward!!! He got to be with the baby that he "takes care of". Today when dropping him off at school, I said, "listen to your teachers and have fun learning!" he replied, "but Mommy, if I don't behave I get to see Avi".......you little stinker........you are using their "consequence" to get what you want......good for you.

Another, "Have you ever" Is, Have you had someone ever say something so mean to you that you actually wanted to be 5 yrs old again and say words back to them.......Yep.....I have...more and more every day......remember, I also remember EVERYTHING......so if you are going to say something mean, rude, or "un called for" to me, it better be worth it, because from then on, we are enemies and good luck getting my respect for you back.....ever..........right now it has been on more then one occasion (and only because the person is frustrated or wants to put me down to make them feel better.......hello........I teach elementary, I'm not in elementary).

One day I'm sure I will say exactly what I am thinking because I have had enough, But for now, "I have NEVER been rude to someone when they have been mean, rude, or "uncalled for" first and I'm not going to start now.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Framily :-)

We absolutely, positively, love living where we do. We love our house, we love the school the kids will be going to (my elementary of course), and the location on how close we are to anything in everything! The one thing we don't always like about where we live is we live far away from family. This is especially hard because our children don't get to see their aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents (which now a days, Paige has "stranger danger" when she doesn't see someone consistently for a long period of time). Sooooooo Matt and I, have for the last 6 years, had to go back to what we learned in elementary school, and make friends.

We have been very lucky that we were raised right and have personalities that we can get along with just about anyone no matter the age. We have made great friends with neighbors and have met great people who happen to be the parents of children that are friends with Riley.

So we have a term for these people, "FRamily". When you live far away from your family and need help in a pinch, you call your "Framily" and they are always their to help you out, be surrogate Aunts, Uncles, and even grandparents.

Thank you to all who are our "FRamily" :-)